Before you build anything (commercial or residential, small project or large) be sure you have all the facts. Make sure you have all the right permits, have gotten the clear from Dig Safe, are building according the right codes. The building codes vary from State to state so be sure you check them before you build. Be responsible and be safe. Google building codes in your state and on the specific type of project. Your local Building Department should be able to help too.
"Can we build it, yes we can." Check us out at to learn about all the projects we have done and special services we do. Thanks to Bob Builder for his words.
When thinking about "Building Green" something to consider is the use of solar panels. It is still a relatively young technology, you still don't see many homes or business with solar panels but it could prove to be not only an earth friendly technology but a pocket friendly technology.
If only 5% of Americans used solar energy it would be like taking the equivalent of 7,700,000 cars of the road and removing 89,600,000 pound of Carbon Dioxide from the environment (
This cartoon appears in our current newsletter. It is a good one so it is worthy of it's own blog spot. If you haven't had the chance to read our newsletter, check out the previous blog.
Happy Friday, It is supposed to be a nice weekend, enjoy.