Tis the season for Christmas trees, lights and candles. But keep in mind with the use of these items also bring the increase of fire. In 2007-2011, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated annual
average of 230 home structure fires that began with Christmas trees.
Home Christmas tree fires caused an average of six civilian deaths, 22
civilian injuries, and $18.3 million in dire
ct property damage per year. So be sure you are taking measures to avoid fires this season.
Here are a few fire Safety tips:
- Don’t use real candles as part of decorations and remember to
always exercise basic safety when using candles throughout the home.
- Never leave a lighted Christmas tree or other decorative lighting
display unattended. Inspect lights for exposed or frayed wires, loose
connections, and broken sockets. Do not overload extension cords or
outlets and do not place an electrical cord under a rug.
- Natural cut Christmas trees always involve some risk of fire. To
minimize the risk, get a fresh tree and keep it watered at all times.
Do not put the tree within three feet of a fireplace, space heater,
radiator or heat vent.
Do not burn Christmas tree branches, treated wood, or wrapping paper in a home fireplace.
- Declare the kitchen off limits to children and those adults not
assisting with food preparation. A crowded kitchen can increase the
danger of spills and burns.
- Be prepared to deal with cooking fires. Remember to never put water on a grease fire.
To help make your holidays bright, happy and safe be smart with your holiday decorations.