Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Brookstone Builders, Inc.- Frost Quakes

Have you been up during the early morning hours listening to loud, snapping, popping and cracking noises?  You lay there thinking is it my roof?  Then during light hours you look at the ceilings in your house wondering if that crack is bigger?  Many people have been reporting on these noises describing them as gunshot noises, explosions, popping, You are not alone. Here in New England we are experiencing extreme cold and for many of us we are hearing these loud noises for the first time.  It isn't just you and they are real.  They are
 called frost quakes or Cryoseism. Interesting, have a read, you may sleep better tonight if you read this.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015

Brookstone Builders, Inc.- Friday Funny/snow

Hello and happy Friday!  We have come to the end of yet another work week.  We hope everyone is managing through all these storms.  I'm sure many are battling weather related issues, hang tight, there has to be an end.  So with the new storm coming in we had to share yet another snow cartoon.  Personally, this one made me chuckle out loud.  So once again, we wish everyone a good weekend, be safe, stay warm and Happy Valentine's Day too!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Brookstone Builders, Inc.-Friday Funny/Snow

Hooray it is Friday! Another long week in New England. Wish we could say it isn't so but I think it is, more snow on the way. Plan for the storm now, don't wait for when it is here and too late. Push snow away from exits and walk ways, mailboxes and hydrants, and pipes. Try and do a little at a time, to keep up with it and to give your body a break.  Hope everyone has a good snow blower.

True story, the other day I was walking through a store and I saw someone buying a new snow blower. Hang in there New Englanders!

 We have a couple past newsletters related to winter prep, check them out;

