Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Brookstone Builders, Inc. weather related business losses

With yet another snow storm, and school and business closings and possibly another snow  storm Sunday/Monday, and the recent  extreme cold leaving some with frozen pipes one starts to think about how the weather is affecting business, especially small business.  Some weather events are bigger then others and leave bigger impacts but, "extreme" weather is on the rise.  It is reported that $3000 per day – The median cost of downtime from a small business affected by an extreme weather event. Source: Symantec's 2011 SMB Disaster Preparedness Survey
"Weather events like these are increasingly the stuff of news headlines. In 2011 alone, a record 14 separate disasters struck the U.S., each costing a billion dollars or more in damages.1 Insured losses were the fifth highest on record, exceeding $35 billion.2 2012 is currently on record as having the most extreme temperatures of any year since such record keeping began in 1910.3
Unpredictable weather seems to be the new norm." Source:

You can and should prepare for these events which really are out of our control.  Try to minimize your loss by preparing for them.  Hope you never have to use the plans but have them in place, review them, keep them current, and educate your staff on the procedures as well.

For more on this topic including tips on what to include in your weather protection plan visit,

In regards to today and being on the roads, drive slow, be alert. Clear all snow from your car. Don't forget about the top of your car, SUV, Truck.  When clearing snow, be sure to lift from the knees when shoveling.  Be sure to keep all vents, drains, fire hydrants, mailboxes, steps and walkways clear.  If you are using a snow blower be sure to never put your hand in the blades, especially when something has it blocked.

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